May Challenge (6 Pack Abs Here I Come)

The pool, water park, etc. open in June.

I am challenging myself to make a number of fitness & general well being changes ALL of May.

Wish me luck and feel free to join in if you want.
  • NO Facebook
  • ONLY Water To Drink
  • NO Candy/Sweets
  • Go To Bed By/Before 10p
  • Go To Gym Minimum of 5 Days Per Week
  • 30 Day Challenge (Focus On Core & Upper Body)

The first thing on the list will be the hardest, the second I already do, the third and fourth I am very close to doing already (just cutting out the cheating).

I have not yet selected a specific 30 Day Challenge but am researching now. If you have any suggestions please let me know. The goal with that part of my plan is to force myself to do pushup and situps every single day in addition to going to the gym.