Looking for support with Gestational Diabetes (17weeks)

PughTooFew Posts: 44 Member
Hi, I've been a member on here a while on-and-off but I've recently started logging again after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 16 weeks pregnant (due Oct).
Does anyone else currently log their carbs on here?
What should I be aiming for?
Got any tips for healthy eating whilst maintaining steady levels?
I could really use a buddy!! :blush:


  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    Hi. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant. What an eye-opener! My OB sent me to a dietician at the hospital to talk about what my diet should look like. Did you have that appointment? I also had to test my blood three times a day.

    I don't remember much about it besides watching portion sizes of everything, including carbs. I did cut way back on sweets and cookies. In fact, I didn't gain any weight during my pregnancy (my starting weight and last-appointment weight were the same) because I was significantly overweight to start and eating more appropriate portions was basically a diet for me.

    The dietician also told me to make sure I got 30 minutes of walking in a day. That really seemed to help. By the end of my pregnancy, my numbers were totally under control.

    Hope that helps! Feel free to FR me if you like.
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Agree with @jessiruthica . My dr sent me to one also. She gave me a meal plan of basics of what type of snacks to eat and what to have for meal. It took the guessing out of it. You think you should cut out carbs and sugars but I remember her having me to eat a graham cracker with peanut butter because you don't want your sugar to drop. I also had to test my blood as person above.

    My 2nd child was normal weight. My last child was little over 9 pounds. I didn't go to a dietician with my 2nd child. Wish I would had now. But he's 3 and doing great!
  • PughTooFew
    PughTooFew Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the advice, the midwife is going to chase up an appointment with the Dietician so fingers crossed I can get a meal plan together. I think I went a bit crazy over the weekend cutting out all bread/potato/pasta and I felt terrible! Moderation is the key :smile:
  • krystlepon
    krystlepon Posts: 13 Member
    PughTooFew, I am 32 weeks pregnant and due in July. I have gestational diabetes. I have been using myfitnesspal to track my carbs, protein, and give me a food journal for my doctor and dietitian. For me it is 3 small meals and 3 snack. You want to try to keep your blood sugar level and not let it get too high or too low. You can't cut all carbs ( I did the same thing) or you will end up with ketones in your urine.
  • Pszi
    Pszi Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    I log my carbs in here due to GD.I also cut out too much carbs, this is my second week on trying to measure what I eat, and went a bit overboard. It is trial and error, basically when you do your shopping and buy processed food, you check the total carbohydrates, the portion sizes and how many portion is in the box. The dietitian said aim for 3 small meals and 3 snacks the snacks being 15 g of carbohydrates each and the meals with 30-25-45 g carbohydrates in them respectively. Almost all green vegetables are unlimited, meats are good, but forget all the white things in pasta, rice or bread. The more wholesome the better. Also there are crazy amount of sugars can be hiding in some processed foods so read every label before buying something.
  • liskoro
    liskoro Posts: 2 Member
    I am having to monitor my glucose levels, sugar intake and food as well for next 3 weeks and then they will evaluate me again. It was a shock to me since I try to eat unprocessed foods. I meet with the nutrionist and doc next week for more detailed information. I think my levels spiked due to all the fruit I was eating and the milk I was drinking. I am due in oct. as well.