recently diagnosed with diabetes

now i dont know what to eat and not getting enough calories a day about 800-900 a day. I had to throw away a bag of food this week when diagnosed. never looked at labels til now and threw away anything that was over 4 grams of sugar, about half my kitchen! i now dont really have anything healthy to eat and i dont get food $ til the 15th of may so now im starving and trying to work with what i have. need to find a list of yes foods and no foods is there any discussions about diabetes on this site?


  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    edited May 2015
    Here is a link with some tasty recipes (that are diabetic approved)

    My mom has diabetes and it was hard at the beginning, remember what she could and could not eat and in what quantities to have everything BAH!...but now it's more second nature to her and she lives a normal life
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Have your doctor recommend a dietician/nutritionist that specializes in diabetes for you to go talk to. Alternately (or additionally), go to the American Diabetes Association website and look at the information they have there. They have some fantastic information - down to food plans, recipes, etc. There is no reason you need to throw away food or avoid food that you like and enjoy. You just have to be much more conscious about the amounts of it that you are eating. I've been dealing with diabetes since 2009 and my A1C has been well within the normal range for almost 2 years now. I still eat pizza, sweets, chips, chocolate, etc., albeit now the amounts are MUCH more controlled.
  • jamie_lee80
    jamie_lee80 Posts: 176 Member
    what type of diabetes? I have been Type 1 since I was 10 years old. I am now 34 and have been on an insulin pump for about a year and a half. It is definitely a lot to learn, even afte 24 years. Now that I log what I eat I can really see trends and what seems to affect my blood sugar the most. I also know that by exercising for an hour every day that my blood sugar levels are the best that they have ever been and I am taking 1/3 of the insulin that I used to. For me, things like chinese food and pizza will elevate my blood sugar for hours, sometimes it will be high into the next day. You can add me if you'd like and I would be more than happy to help. There is also a group on here for Type 1 diabetics and there are a lot of people with great information
  • mr21mr21
    mr21mr21 Posts: 21 Member
    That is horrible and I feel very bad for you. Take care of yourself try to change to a healthy lifestyle before it's too late