Adjusting to New Meal Times

I'm finishing up my junior year of college at the moment, and I'm going home for the summer on Monday (only one final--yay!!). However, I'll be taking a summer class at a college that is a half an hour drive from my house that starts at 9 and doesn't get done until around 1 (lab and lecture Anatomy and Physiology) which means my 10 am breakfasts probably are a thing of the past for the time being. Which sucks, because I love how my meals are timed out now, it works really well for me.
Anyway, if you have had to adjust your meal times, was it harder or easier than you thought, and how long did it take to get used to?

Also, any tips for snacks that will keep me satiated during that time period? I am not an early breakfast eater, as you can tell from the fact I usually don't eat until around 10 am, and I only have about a 15 minute break in between my lab portion and lecture portion. Gotta love summer classes.
Thanks in advance! :)