Starting to work out

I am just starting to work out. I want to get muscle and abs (not like a body builder) but enough to get stronger. I'm going to school to be a cop, and the police academy will be mostly work out. And to be a cop you have to be really fit. What are some good machines at the gym to help getting abs?


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    1: No matter how much you lift, how on point your nutrition is, you won't become a bodybuilder by accident. Females do not produce enough testosterone to build huge amounts of muscle.

    2: If you want to get stronger and gain muscle use a structured strength training program while in a surplus of about 250 calories.

    3: If you want abs your best bet is to build them up first with a calorie surplus, compound movements and, if necessary, isolation movements. Then go into a deficit until you reach an optimal body fat percentage. It takes a long time, it's not a quick thing to do so you better be in it for the long run.
  • rupertspenser
    rupertspenser Posts: 567 Member
    there are no machines to give you abs... you get abs when your body fat reduces to a certain level... usually under 22-15% bf for women you'll start to see your abs.
    So to lose bf you need to work your legs (biggest muscles in your body) to kick start to the fat loss... but don't forget your forearms (i know that sounds weird) but if you are going to be a cop you'll want a good grip strength.. hope this helps?
  • Xrix512
    Xrix512 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree not to go for the machines to build your abs. There are some machines you can use but way better to focus on compound movements to build core strength. For some great ideas on incorporating compound movements and core strength into your workout, check out

    This is a great routine that will help you make real fitness and strength gains.