What sucks about eating healthy is...



  • beankid
    beankid Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the tips guys! I think I just got overzealous with the first "healthy eating" shopping trip & went a little crazy. My salads & most of my fruit was bad within 2-3 days. Most of my veggies were bought frozen thankfully & then I bought a pack of 10 chicken breast that I grilled & had in Tupperware in the fridge. After weighing them I realized I was only allowed 1/2 of each chicken breast making it now 20 chicken breast I had to eat or throw away in 2-3 days! Lol. It's deff a learning experience! I've learned so much already in just a week. I won't go so crazy next time.

    You can freeze the chicken breasts =) So at least those can be salvaged.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    That's odd, usually my leafy vegetables last a week, hard veggies like cauliflower or cabbage last two weeks, carrots and potatoes quite awhile, and fruits like apples and pears last two weeks or more depending on refrigeration or not. Bananas last about 1-2 weeks. Berries about a week. But for me, once I see my fruits and veggies start to get a little shriveled, I chop them up and freeze them for smoothies. That and even if they have a little mold growing on them, I think it's perfectly fine to cut off that certain moldy part. The rest is still good imo~~ I used to volunteer for a soup kitchen that took fruits and veggies that people and restaurants think had spoiled and had thrown away but in actuality, it hasn't actually spoiled yet. Let's just say the homeless in that area was some of the healthiest I've seen.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Fresh produce should not go bad that quickly. You either have a problem with proper storage or else the store you are buying from is selling you old stuff.

    Most fresh fruits and veg should last two weeks or more. Berries tend to go faster. Tomatoes and Lettuce should be used within a week. If you seal things in bags etc you need t let the food breathe. The gasses fruit puts off cause them to ripen and go bad faster. There are products out that help to absorb the gasses and they do help.

    I usually keep a stock of both frozen and fresh veg and frozen chicken on hand as well as fresh fruit. Only buy what I will eat within the week. I tend to do one sort of stock up run for dried goods like rice and beans, cheese etc a month and then go weekly for fruits veg red meat and milk. In the long run it saves money since you don't throw out as much.