New User... I NEED motivation!

Good Morning,

I am new to myfitnesspal. I've always had it on my cell but never used it because I was using weight watchers. Once I gave up on weight watchers, I was still able to continue losing weight on my own (70 lbs.). Lately, I haven't been able to get motivated to get back into the whole weight loss thing until I found this app that helps track the foods I eat and exercises I've done. So I am going to promise myself that I am going to get back into the whole weight loss routine. All for me, my health and my future.


  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Hey xdelgadop, you must be determined if you have lost so much weight without any support from WW or such. Great job. I have found MFP to be a great help in tracking claories and how much exercise is helping. I do not have a lot to lose but I know without something like MFP, it would be much harder for me. Welcome and I look forward to seeing you lose even more.