So Tired of All of This!

I just need to vent a little bit. I'm so tired of trying to lose weight and get healthy. I'm tired of being told don't eat carbs but don't eat fat but don't have sugar.....journal your food......don't journal your food........count your calories....don't count your calories.....count your carbs.....don't count your carbs......weigh your shouldn't have to weigh your food.....exercise at least an hour a day.......just walk your 10,000 steps throughout the day. I've tried every one of these (and more) and still nothing fits me and I've tried doing this for months at a time. Not a week and then quit.

My mind and body are so confused and hungry. I've been doing this for 33 years. Shouldn't I have figured this out already? I just want to give up completely but if I truly wanted to do that I wouldn't be here writing this. I feel like I'm going to have a break down. Every single day it's food food food! I'm sick of thinking about food 24/7.

Thanks for listening to my rant.


  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    It sounds like you need to take a break. Really, if everyday it's "food, food, food" then you are not going to be successful. Take a few weeks off. Read a couple books that are not about food. If you have kids, take them to the park and watch them play. In a few weeks figure out what activities you enjoy doing that get you moving. Do more of that. Instead of obsessing about food, just try to make better choices. If you are out to eat, get grilled chicken instead of crispy. If you are having donuts, have 1 donut, not a box. Start small and go from there, but first take a step back and try enjoying life again.
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    firstly the fact you havnt given up is brilliant! i have days like this all the time where I think what am i actually doing? how is this worth it? At some point it will all click into place, different things work for different people in terms of food and exercise, I like to log it because I tend to absent mindedly eat. The trickiest part is finding what actually works for you and thats trial and error, Exercise wise, find something you enjoy, google your favourite recipes and find a healthier version. DONT punish yourself if you need or want a day off. when I started I tried to restrict everything but since then have been given some great advice to make changes that I can stick to for the long haul.

    Try to crack on with it, measure as well as weigh, make friends with the same goal, rant when you need etc take a week off to just chill out and start again if thats what helps. dont let it consume you, like i said I have at least one day a week where i have a sod it moment but I am impatient