Back to it!

hi everyone,
Just reset my goals and had an honest look at where I've been going wrong.
I want to drop half a stone I've already lost 5 and a half stone. I started exercising properly with my h2b who is a pt about a year ago to try and tone up. We trained 5 days a week but now he's been relocated and it's more difficult as I don't feel as confident in the gym on my own. So I've been using body pump classes but lifting heavy and cardio classes but I know I need to get back into the gym.
I'm quite hard on myself when it comes to food and guilt often drives me to binge on treats. I know this is why I'm not shifting this last bit and why it's preventing me from achieving the shape I want.
So, I've had a good think and decided to fit my treats into my calories so I am having a little something every day if I need to, rather than having nothing and then going overboard. Set my calories at 1200 but wondered how many people actually allow themselves the extra calories this app adds on to your daily allowance if you train? For example, day I burn 600 cals at the gym, in theory I could go up to 1800 but it's better to stick to the 1200 regardless unless it's unavoidable right? Just interested to see how everyone else works it out.