Feeling fat and unmotivated

at the WORST stage ever. I started going to the gym properly about 6/7 weeks ago, and have been having sessions with a personal trainer. before this I hated the gym and had no idea what I was doing so just stuck to running. Having a PT meant I learnt how to use things and was given a proper workout to stick to. I've been doing 6 days a week, weights one day, cardio the next.. most weeks I've been able to stick to this. This last week I have lost all motivation. I can't be bothered going to the gym and have skipped the last 2 days and will skip again today, so only done 3 days this week. I don't know if I'm just bored of doing the same workouts (the weight days have been the same with the PT upping the weights when I see him, cardio days a mix of rowing/bike.. off running atm due to shin splints). But i want to enjoy it again!

I was feeling so good and strong and like I was getting somewhere and today I feel soooo fat and gross (the most annoying thing is that my head knows I'm not 'fat' as I'm not overweight and have a pretty average size body, just a horrid chubby belly) and like I've made no progress at all. Which brings me to the next issue - my PT is weighing me/doing measurements on Thursday and I am dreading it right now because I know I probably haven't made any improvements in body fat % or gained muscle. Which is going to make me feel like a) I've wasted money, b) I've wasted my time and the PT's time because what's the point in training me if I'm not making any changes?

Please tell me how I can get my motivation back and starting enjoying my workouts again, and how to stop beating myself up when I look in the mirror and see this wobbly belly.. the same one which, a few days ago, I was thinking looked quite nice and flat (for me anyway) and made me feel good?

Really want to get a nicer, less wobbly, more toned body and feel good and fit and strong, but also want to enjoy my life and enjoy some foods that aren't super good for you every now and then... without then feeling like a whale?


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Sounds like you overdid it from the beginning and now you've already gotten tired of it. Start over again, but do it more slowly. You can't lose all the weight all at once.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Does your gym have group fitness classes? I haven't done any for ages, but I have found in the past that they are loads of fun and that in turn motivates me (probably time I gave them a go again!).

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Sometimes when I don't feel like working out, I decide I'll just go for a walk instead; I put on my workout clothes, and listen to music - the fresh air and no pressure makes me feel better, and although it's not a real workout, at least I'm moving.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    6 days a week is an awful lot when you are just starting. Your body needs some time to recover from workouts, especially when you are not used to them. Try going 2-3 times a week for a while. Also are your workouts fun? You might need to get into doing something regularly that feels less like excise and more like a fun activity that just happens to be physical.

    Something like some sort of dance class, a martial art(my personal favorite), tennis lessons. Join a softball team or some other sport. Take riding lessons.

    All of these things get you busy learning a fun new skill and interacting with other people who will become your support and motivation to keep going, even when you might not fee like it.

    I never could exercise just to exercise. When I joined a dojo and started learning aikido it was the fascination about what I was learning that got me heading to the next class when I was feeling really tired and sore. When I first started I was only able to train about 2 days a week because was so sore that it took me about three days to recover from one, one hour class. Now, 6 years later, I workout 3 nights a week for two hours and would do more if there were more classes to take. It took me a while to build up to that.