Question for females or a doctor



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Medications can cause an increase in appetite. It still comes down to CICO.
  • eyeofnewt555
    eyeofnewt555 Posts: 47 Member
    cosmo_momo wrote: »

    Ignore everyone's semantics about "hormones don't cause weight gain, CICO does." A) hormones can directly cause significant water retention regardless of CICO, and B) Obviously unless you're a will power machine, having an increased appetite is going to make weight loss a lot harder. And it's hard enough as is.

    You contradicted yourself here. Yes, water retention is definitely a factor and is going to vary in severity from person to person, but as far as CICO goes, it still applies. If you are more hungry due to the hormones, you are likely to eat more = more calories in. When I was on depo and trying to lose weight, I was always thinking about food, but had the willpower to ignore it. Obviously that willpower did not last the entire time I was on it, or my weight would not have yo-yoed like it did.

    Believe me, I too was in denial that I was the cause of my weight gain. When I went in for my Mirena consultation I brought up difficulty losing weight and the doctor straight up told me that losing weight off the depo would probably be easier, but that it just came down to my diet. And she was 100% correct.

    Sorry I guess I worded that poorly. I know hormones can't manufacture calories and weight gain out of thin air, and that any weight gain (aside from water weight) is from a caloric surplus.

    I meant that when people just chant CICO as a response to things like this, it denies the importance that appetite plays in weight management. Yes, _if_ you stick to CICO and don't give in to cravings, the hormones won't affect your weight (ignoring water). But that's a big if. I won't say an increased appetite directly causes weight gain, but I don't think its effects should be downplayed and brushed under the rug either.

    It's like the adage "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Makes you wanna go "well yeah, _but_ the guns ain't helpin'"