Can someone help me?

I'm trying to lose some weight and I would appreciate it if someone can give me advice on how to lose weight safely. Thanks - Frankie


  • Ms_LisaKay
    Ms_LisaKay Posts: 103 Member
    Read the stickied threads in each forum here that pertain to what you want to do. Use an online TDEE calculator to determine your total daily energy expenditure. Use MFP with calorie goal set to something less than your TDEE but NO less than 1200 calories a day. Accurately weigh (grams is best) your food on a digital food scale each & every time. Use cups or measuring spoons for liquids only. Log what you eat & drink. Make sure that your calories in are less than your calories out (CICO).

    Do not be in a hurry. Focus on CICO first. As you go along, start learning about macronutrients (your "macros") and how their intake ratios affect your energy level, functionality, and body composition. Work on adjusting your caloric intake to include foods that meet a macro ratio that fits your needs and/or goals. Nutrition is important but takes some learning and a lot of practice.

    Treat fitness (in the form of exercise) as secondary to the goal of calorie control as long as you are trying to lose weight (aka "being in deficit," "being in caloric deficit," "cutting weight"). Exercise is important for overall health, fitness, and well-being, but controlling the Calories In side of the equation will get you further in weight loss than trying to "burn off" 6 slices of Meat Lover's Pan Pizza. I am not saying you should ignore exercise. I am a big fan of working on weight loss and fitness goals in tandem. What I am saying is that exercise only burns off a relatively small number of calories compared to what it is possible to consume.

    Spend some time goal setting. Take some "before" pics so when you get halfway to your goal and the going gets tough, you can take new pics and see how far you really have come. Hopefully, the progress you've made will give you the motivation to keep working toward your goals. Read the Sucess Stories forum and stay focused on the goal.

    Understand and internalize that weight loss is not linear. There will be up & down days, up & down weeks, even plateaus. Do not give up. Trust in the laws of thermodynamics and know that if you eat fewer calories than your body uses, you will lose weight. MFP's system works, and it is not a fly-by-night fad. This system is nothing more or less than a tool to help you achieve healthy weight loss long term. Learning about and monitoring caloric intake is fundamental to weight management.

    You can do this.

  • SkinnyWannabeGal
    SkinnyWannabeGal Posts: 143 Member
    What they said ^^^ :) patience and persistence are key. You got this! P.s. I burned off 700+ calories yesterday (and it took me forever) just so I could attend a dinner event and semi-pig out. Still debating if that was even worth it lol. Would've been easier to just eat less calories. :D