type 2 Diabetic - Looking to change my life

Hi all.

I've always believed that nothing is impossible and have worked my @$$ off to become successful.

Unfortunately that meant I put my health on the back seat and my career and family firmly high on my agenda.

I was diagnosed to with have long type 2 diabetes at 24 and have poorly managed it ever since (almost 12 years) not really knowing the consequences.

However when my doctor sat me down last week and said I would be brown bread by 55 unless I started to get a grip it really hit home.

The fear of not being there for my children scared me and now here I am.

At almost 17 stone 106.5 KG I am determined to become the beast ne possible and I am looking for friends, support a community that we can all help each other achieve our goals together.

If you want to link please contact me:
