Trying to get fit over 40...

I'm no stranger to dieting but it's been a long time since I was serious about making the changes. I've been battling depression for a few months and I don't want to take anti depressants so I'm going the exercise route to feel better. I need to lose 40 lbs just to be at the high end of my weight range which is perfectly fine with me. I actually care more about the size I can wear than I do the number of the scale. My goal is a size 10. I want to be able to enjoy life and not kill myself to stay too skinny.

I am 41, been married for coming up on 15 years, have a 13 yr old son, work full time, and live in NC. My husband works nights and my son is always on the go so I've decided it's time to take care of me with no excuses. I joined Planet Fitness last week. I am going every day after work. I'm way out of shape thanks to being a smoker (which is next on my list but I've got to get my depression under control) but I'm still going. Meeting with a trainer on Thursday to design a program and figure out what I can do to lose as many inches as possible before our cruise in September.

My biggest issue is food. I have always been a picky eater and while I've learned to eat a lot of things I never did growing up, I'm just not a fruit eater at all (strawberries are the only thing I'll eat) and don't eat many veggies. It's not a cop out; it's the truth. I've tried stuff over and over and my taste buds just don't like the majority of them, including lettuce. I have got to figure out how to make changes stick this time. I'm tired of being a chunky mom.

I need all the encouragement I can get. I'm hoping this will work this time.