Strong Curves beginner question

I'm in week five, and some of the moves are too easy as written. Like body weight hip thrusts with a pause at the top. I can do 20x3 out of the gate. Or let's say the upper body moves that should be 8-12 reps x3. What about going heavier with fewer reps?

I feel like I am ready for squats and bridges/thrusts with at least a 45 lb bar.

I've been adding weight to some of the bodyweight exercises while keeping the rep count maxed out at 20. Like step ups with a 30 lb bar.

I feel like I've got pretty good form on the ones I want to increase, no excessive DOMS, and my glutes seem to be activating pretty well. On the ones where I have more trouble with the form, like reverse lunges off a bench, I'm not adding any weight.

Thoughts? My goal ultimately is to lift heavier and build strength while at a caloric deficit to lose body fat from 30% to 20%. I've been lifting with compound exercises and barbells for two months, five weeks of that w SC.


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,459 Member
    Yeah, go for it. Switch to the other program.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Absolutely add weight if you're ready. The upper body exercises you are supposed to increase your weight if you hit max reps. I pretty much followed the lower body only program and added upper body to it. That program is essentially 4 weeks ahead of the beginner program.
  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    Yep, I've been adding weight on the upper body as soon as I can do 12 or 12x3. I'm thinking of dropping my rep range down to 5-8 too. The lower body ones w body weight are where I'm getting the most impatient. I'll look at the glute goddess program and maybe switch over.
  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    And if I do drop my rep range to lift heavier, should I maybe add another set?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    That's entirely up to you. Read Chapter 7. I think that's the one where he gives you a full body template in case you want to change things up.

    Keep in mind that SC is a physique focused program not a strength focused program. Obviously there is carryover either way but that is why it lists the higher rep ranges.