Difficult to maintain 1500/day (I get Hungry.)

TheClintHennesy Posts: 7 Member
edited May 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone! First time posting here, so I wanted to say Hi.

So before anything, I think I should just write a short background first. Been using this app for 2 week, never missed a log or day and enjoying it (keeps me aware of what I eat.) I'm an artist, so most of my work requires me to sit down and draw for at least 6-8 hours tops a day infront of the computer. I exercise 6 times a week (1 hour of Capoeira (Acrobatics/Cardio) and 30 Min Cardio/Weight Lifting in those days alternitively). At the moment, I'm 65.3 kg and 160 cm. My calorie deficit recommends 1.3k-1.5k to lose weight.

My problem right now is I get really hungry towards the end of the night. I'm not 100% sure if the calculators I've used online take into account my almost-daily routine of exercise. Right now, I pretty much just force myself to sleep with a starving stomach. I'm not sure if this is healthy though...

I don't eat Breakfast. I wake up at 11 AM and sleep at around 1 AM. I have a 400-500 Calorie Lunch and Dinner and around 150~ish (2x) Calorie snacks through out the day and night to avoid getting hungry. I'm trying to find better ways to split my food- but it's been tough to just not get hungry (as in, my stomach just grumbles and I feel like I need to eat.)

Should I eat more? Or am I just eating the wrong stuff? Or am I eating at the wrong times of the day? :-/

Though, it might just be my stomach having a hard time adjusting because I used to take in definitely more than 2.5k Calories a day before I started counting.

Any help from anyone is greatly appreciated! Thanks heaps. :-)


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Hello and welcome

    Is 1500 what MFP gave you based on your height, weight, activity level and stated weight loss goal?

    Are you logging your exercise and eating back 50-75% of those calories on top too, because you should be
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited May 2015
    PS your activity level should be sedentary...cos desk job

    and your goal weight loss per week should be 0.5-1lb ...cos only 28 lbs to lose

    ETA sorry are you 165kg or 165lbs? that makes a difference tbh
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    eat back around half your exercise calories. it will help. also, you can change your rate of weight loss so something slower if you need to. 1500 for a guy your age seems pretty low (im 37, female and eat anywhere from 1400 to 1700 a day and still lose around 2lbs. week)
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Hi everyone! First time posting here, so I wanted to say Hi.

    So before anything, I think I should just write a short background first. Been using this app for 2 week, never missed a log or day and enjoying it (keeps me aware of what I eat.) I'm an artist, so most of my work requires me to sit down and draw for at least 6-8 hours tops a day infront of the computer. I exercise 6 times a day (1 hour of Capoeira (Acrobatics/Cardio) and 30 Min Cardio/Weight Lifting in those days alternitively). At the moment, I'm 165.3 kg and 160 cm. My calorie deficit recommends 1.3k-1.5k to lose weight.

    My problem right now is I get really hungry towards the end of the night. I'm not 100% sure if the calculators I've used online take into account my almost-daily routine of exercise. Right now, I pretty much just force myself to sleep with a starving stomach. I'm not sure if this is healthy though...

    I don't eat Breakfast. I wake up at 11 AM and sleep at around 1 AM. I have a 400-500 Calorie Lunch and Dinner and around 150~ish (2x) Calorie snacks through out the day and night to avoid getting hungry. I'm trying to find better ways to split my food- but it's been tough to just not get hungry (as in, my stomach just grumbles and I feel like I need to eat.)

    Should I eat more? Or am I just eating the wrong stuff? Or am I eating at the wrong times of the day? :-/

    Though, it might just be my stomach having a hard time adjusting because I used to take in definitely more than 2.5k Calories a day before I started counting.

    Any help from anyone is greatly appreciated! Thanks heaps. :-)

    You weigh 165 kg?? Cause that's 363 pounds...and I doubt your calorie goal would be so low in that case...
  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    ^^^ 1,500 is low. I'm 5'6" and female and that's about what I eat around. If you're hungry, eat something protein-packed. Starving is no bueno, but don't give into cravings. Have you tried a TDEE calculator?
  • mjffey
    mjffey Posts: 72 Member
    Rabbittjb gave already some great tips. You could also try to split the 1500 cals into more smaller portions. And drink water when you feel hungry. Your body might not crave for food but for fluid. Good luck.
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    I'm guessing you mean you exercise 6 times a week and not a day! :worried:
    I think 1500 is low, especially if you actually weigh 165kg..
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited May 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    PS your activity level should be sedentary...cos desk job

    and your goal weight loss per week should be 0.5-1lb ...cos only 28 lbs to lose

    ETA sorry are you 165kg or 165lbs? that makes a difference tbh

    LOL if that's you in your av you certainly aren't 165kg

    Do what I said in my first post and set your goal loss to no more than 1lb a week :gavel:

    Oh and start a heavy lifting programme like strong lifts 5x5
  • TheClintHennesy
    TheClintHennesy Posts: 7 Member
    Whoah. Whoops. I meant 65 kg. JESUS. I'M so retarded sometimes. XD
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Well who told you to eat 1500 calories? You're a 2100 year old man, there is no reason for you to be doing that to yourself. You're feeling hungry because you actually are hungry.

    165 kilos, 2100 years old and exercise 6 times a day.. We seem to have quite the unique case! Hahah :)
    Anyway, I agree with the others, up your calories!
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited May 2015
    If you're only 65kg (and obviously a Guy) you should be eating much more than 1500 cals!
    How tall are you?
  • TheClintHennesy
    TheClintHennesy Posts: 7 Member
    Fixxed the typos. And when you mean lifts of 5x5, you mean 5 sets of 5? I've been doing 10x3 cuz I'm scared of going bulky.

    Anyways, sorry for the hassle. D:

    Anyways, what do you mean eat back the calories I lost? SO IF i ran and lost 200 estimated calories? I'll go do more research on that. :D Thanks a lot.
  • TheClintHennesy
    TheClintHennesy Posts: 7 Member
    If you're only 65kg (and obviously a Guy) you should be eating much more than 1500 cals!
    How tall are you?

    I'm only 5'3 (160 cm), So yeah, Ive used calculators and all, they're all reccomending the 1.3k-1.5k margin for my weight and height.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Fixxed the typos. And when you mean lifts of 5x5, you mean 5 sets of 5? I've been doing 10x3 cuz I'm scared of going bulky.

    Anyways, sorry for the hassle. D:

    Anyways, what do you mean eat back the calories I lost? SO IF i ran and lost 200 estimated calories? I'll go do more research on that. :D Thanks a lot.

    Right so you're 143lbs and want to get down to 115 at 5'3 ....


    Yes if you do cardio, you log it in MFP, cut the calories in half cos database overestimates and eat them

    MFP calories exclude purposeful exercise
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited May 2015
    Fixxed the typos. And when you mean lifts of 5x5, you mean 5 sets of 5? I've been doing 10x3 cuz I'm scared of going bulky.

    Anyways, sorry for the hassle. D:

    Anyways, what do you mean eat back the calories I lost? SO IF i ran and lost 200 estimated calories? I'll go do more research on that. :D Thanks a lot.

    You won't get bulky eating in a deficit no matter what weight program you use. But you will lose muscle if your program is not an effective one.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited May 2015
    You are already quite small surely? I guess you to have a BMI in the upper healthy range? And you would like to lose how much? You will end up being quite tiny. Why are you scared of muscle?

    You have the same goal weight as me if you are wanting to reach 52kg and I am 149cm tall and female.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member