How many calories should my daughter take in?



  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    She's 12, leave her alone. She doesn't need to count calories and you don't need to count them for her.


  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    The kid knows what she's doing. If she's hungry, she'll eat. If she's not, she won't. She's in competitive sports, she's probably pretty in tune with her body and will eat appropriately whether she realizes it or not.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Maybe I give people the benefit of the doubt too much, but I wonder if OP is worried about giving her ENOUGH calories? I worry about this with my wisp of a 5 year old. She eats like a bird and doesn't ever sit still. I worry that she isn't eating enough, some days.

    I think that the parent in this situation could just be curious about monitoring, to ensure she isn't getting too much or too little without communicating that to the kid.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    Agreed with everyone saying as long as she seems to be eating enough, and relatively balanced meals and not all junk, then she's fine. At 12 she shouldn't give a fig what a calorie is. She'll naturally be hungrier on the days she swims more, I reckon.

    I also remember when I was 12, I gained a little bit of fat around my stomach. My mom commented on it, saying I should do some situps, not realising how much it would hurt me. And I gained that bit of fat because the next year I grew 5 inches and then turned into a beanpole. But I never forgot that comment my mom made, and by the time I was 16 I had a severe eating disorder. I mentioned it to her once and she was mortified--she didn't even remember saying it and apologised profusely. That didn't change the fact I won't ever forget it.