Eating Out

Good afternoon MFP community! I have a weekend coming up that I'm going to find challenging. With it being Mothers Day, I'm taking my parents out on Saturday to Joeys restaurant and on Sunday on my husbands side, we are attending a potluck mid afternoon party. Have any of you had two days in a row where you are facing high calorie foods? Any advice you can offer me? I'm on a weight loss journey of 40 lbs. I have a long way to go.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited May 2015
    You have choices, be wise. You can bank some calories so you stay at maintenance for the week or even a slight deficit. You can easily order something a little lower in calorie at the restaurant, or fill up on veggies at the pot luck. Have a dessert, have a few drinks. It ain't no thang.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    You have to live your life. Just eat what you want and do your best to log your calories. Choose low calorie density food as the bulk of what you eat and just have a taste of the things that look good. That way you won't be hungry all day. If you go over on your calories make sure you stick with your plan going forward. Consistency is the main thing, so a couple days of indulgence won't sabotage you.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    for the restaurant u can look up the calories online and pick what u want to eat before u even get there. then u know how many calories u have left for the rest of your day. pot luck just stick with small portions.
  • fancydancingnancy
    fancydancingnancy Posts: 6 Member
    dont go to these events starving. eat something before you go that will curb your appetite. I find protein in any form will curb my appetite and I wont be as likley to over eat. good luck!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i have more than 40 to go (and have lost 34 so far) and eat out all the time LOL (like pretty much every day the past few months, at least it seems that way)

    I dont know what calorie limit you are at, but i eat anywhere from 1400-1700ish. you can look at my diary if you want, its open. some places have nutrition info online which is great. the local places usually dont (at least not here) and I will recreate whatever i eat as best i can in the recipe builder (esp if its somewhere i eat frequently).

    for a pot luck, id bank most of my calories for the day and just pick and choose. even if you eat over your calories, you're probably eating at or under maintenance, so no harm no foul.

    depending on how your body reacts to sodium, you may have some fluid retention/water weight for the next few days- its not real weight, and falls off easy, so dont worry about it.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Personally, I would just enjoy the weekend and eat whatever but try not to go too overboard. I know my weight loss could have been faster than it has been but when I go on a week long vacation, I just enjoy it. I am usually able to get back to where I was within two or three weeks and for me enjoying that time is worth it.
  • etheridgetracy1
    etheridgetracy1 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't think the restaurant will be so much the problem but the potluck may be tricky, as I love going for the sweets, nanaimo bars etc. I will take all of your advice. I'm not looking to lose my weight fast by starving myself, and eating foods I don't like so much. I'm more interested in changing my lifestyle by eating the things I love the right way, proper moderation. I've been here 15 days and it's hard to have faith, but I am losing.
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    If I were you, I'd eat healthy at the restaurant. Baked salmon or something? I don't know what kind of food they serve, but usually you can make a special order if you ask the server. Then when it comes to the potluck and you are faced with your favorites just take a small portion of whatever you like and limit yourself to one dessert. That should keep it from going out of control. I might suggest eating a low calorie salad or crudités before you go to the potluck so you aren't ravenous. Good luck!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    We eat out a lot and I have learned to plan ahead. Always plan ahead. For the restaurant know ahead of time what is on the menu and make your choice before you go. Stay within your calorie goal. Also don't be afraid to ask for food to be modified to how you need it. Easy things like grilled instead of fried, salad dressing on the side (you control amount that way), substitute steamed vegetables for sauteed ones. Restaurants will accommodate you if you ask nicely. Also I stay away from the bread. Now for me this is a toughie as I love the rolls and bread but I set a goal of ONE and stick with it without any butter. :)

    The potluck... portion control. Take all your favorites but take a small amount. 1/4 cup gives you the flavor and then EAT SLOW. Seriously, eating slow will make you fill up and you will savor each bite. When we gulp and rush we don't get the goodness of the hard work of the cooks. And drink water. Plenty of water. And when it comes to the sweets and desserts, just one dessert and enjoy it.

    You can do it. Do your best and call it good no matter what. You are just starting and it is tough. I remember.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    I don't understand what people mean by bank calories from the day to eat at night. If that means not eating, I would be more likely to binge and wayyy overeat out. What I am doing now is hoping to plan ahead what to eat, bring a healthy dish to potlucks, bring own snacks, and don't be hungry when I go out. I think by eating well during the day, say more low cal meals and snacks to give yourself some allowances at night. I am doing the "look at intake over a week" to see if I "deserve" to splurge a bit extra on one night/day. I feel that by doing that I am not starving myself to be able to eat poorly (or deliciously) but trying to be conscious of the whole week's intake (reduce little bit each day for the weekend-not sure if this works but works in my head!) haha
  • Ame_ly
    Ame_ly Posts: 29 Member
    If you're gonna eat out you might as well indulge a little! :) One bad meal won't ruin your diet, just like one good meal won't make you healthy and thin. Just don't over do it, a 3k calories meal WILL hurt your diet.

    My advice is to fill up on some veggies before leaving, something fulling like broccoli or radishes. This will help you not overeat once you get there. Just have a big *kitten* salad, then go out and order whatever you feel like. :smile:
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    I didn't log the entire last week, as I as spent the time at my moms house and decided to eat what I want without thinking too much. It was 7 days and I had candy, pizza and whatnot, BUT I made sure, that I didn't go overboard and hiked a lot (and we remodeled her garden). I didn't gain any weight. I came back this weekend and started logging this morning as I did before. I had a point where I was really obsessed with logging, so I try and see it easier and make room for dining out and having a drink with friends, without thinking too much. Just fill your plate and then don't refill and quit once you finished your portion :)
  • etheridgetracy1
    etheridgetracy1 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice! -and Happy Mothers Day, this weekend, to all Mothers :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Good afternoon MFP community! I have a weekend coming up that I'm going to find challenging. With it being Mothers Day, I'm taking my parents out on Saturday to Joeys restaurant and on Sunday on my husbands side, we are attending a potluck mid afternoon party. Have any of you had two days in a row where you are facing high calorie foods? Any advice you can offer me? I'm on a weight loss journey of 40 lbs. I have a long way to go.

    Big picture...2 days is pretty irrelevant to the bigger picture.

    Also, practice portion control and making good nutritional decisions...just because all of the food is there doesn't mean you have to eat all the food.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I'm from your province and I'm familiar with the restaurant, and there are lots of good options there (and it's in the MFP database already mostly too.)

    I get the ahi tuna salad usually for around 700 calories. With a cocktail it definitely means I have to eat light the rest of the day but it's delicious and worth the calorie shuffle.

    As for the potluck, fill up on the low-cal stuff (vegetables etc., lean protein) and take only small amounts of the high calorie stuff. Split dessert with someone so you can have a taste without getting out of hand.
  • etheridgetracy1
    etheridgetracy1 Posts: 28 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I'm from your province and I'm familiar with the restaurant, and there are lots of good options there (and it's in the MFP database already mostly too.)

    I get the ahi tuna salad usually for around 700 calories. With a cocktail it definitely means I have to eat light the rest of the day but it's delicious and worth the calorie shuffle.

    As for the potluck, fill up on the low-cal stuff (vegetables etc., lean protein) and take only small amounts of the high calorie stuff. Split dessert with someone so you can have a taste without getting out of hand.

    Thank you, I might just go with your suggestion, as I like ahi tuna!