New to My Fitness!

Hey there. :-) My name is Jane and I'm new to My Fitness. I'm hoping to be able to make a lifestyle change in my life. I have about 118 pounds to lose. WOW! CRAZY! I want to lose weight not only for health reasons but also to get my self-esteem back! Look forward to getting to know everyone here.


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome to the best site on the web to lose weight. This site is awesome with a great support system and the tools are wonderful.
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    welcome to the site, I just joined yesterday and already am loving it! I hope this is what I've been looking for!
  • XoXoCountryGalXoXo
    XoXoCountryGalXoXo Posts: 41 Member
    Just joined recently as well! Only have about 10-15 pounds left to lose, but have lost 40 pounds over the last 2 years! I love this site so far!
  • dunderwood
    I'm new to all of this, so any help you can provide would be much appreciated!
  • stardust2027
    stardust2027 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all!

    New member as of today....nothing special about it...just decided that today will be the day. Tracked my food all day *shocked* and exercised and logged it!!! Hard to do but it will be so good!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Welcome to one and all above.....I am no expert either by any means...I just joined probably about 3 weeks ago and IT IS the best thing EVER!! It helps you be more accountable, seeing it in black & white hellps!!! Hearing all the others stories and motivation is unbeatable....I had actually started a new healthy life style about 2 months before joining the website and was doing ok on my own but this has brought a new level of motivation for me anyway.....hope you all get the same!!!:smile:

    SW (Before MFP) 228 Wt at start of MFP 205# CW 197 (about 30# so far) GW 170-175