
xxtonixx87 Posts: 56 Member
edited November 17 in Getting Started
how do I join more than one group at a time? I've been having to leave a group to join another as it's only when I'm not on a group it gives me the option to "browse popular groups"?


  • Ultimate_Beast
    Ultimate_Beast Posts: 38 Member
    you the website version, its a lot better than the app
  • xxtonixx87
    xxtonixx87 Posts: 56 Member
    How do I get that? Can u use it on my phone as easy?
  • Ultimate_Beast
    Ultimate_Beast Posts: 38 Member
    No you need a PC/MAC or a tablet or something that has full internet, its a lot easier to use you and gives you full functions. You can still use your phone as well if you want I use both but use the web version for more detailed stuff
  • xxtonixx87
    xxtonixx87 Posts: 56 Member
    Aw kl I'll do that then thank you :)
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