4 stone plus to lose

Add me if your in above category . ..looking for motivation and support. Have started this journey too many times now....this time ☺☺☺☺☺☺


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You can do it

    Just commit to yourself

    I was there this time last year..now I'm at maintenance

    And if I can do it, anybody can

    Get your scale our and start weighing your food

    Good luck
  • juliebayes2210
    juliebayes2210 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks. ...feeling determined
  • aimee1987
    aimee1987 Posts: 21 Member
    Sent request Julie :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Learn the basics of weight loss and how to implemennt them effectively.
    Figure out how to avoid the issues that have derailed you in the past to make this time the one that works.
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    Hey add me if you wish

    7 stone 12 to loose here :)
  • holliedusteeeze
    holliedusteeeze Posts: 106 Member
    Hi ive got at least 4 to lose hoping we can help each othet ive sent u a request
  • wannaloseit77
    wannaloseit77 Posts: 37 Member
    I've got 4 (and hoping for a fifth to lose)! Just sent you a request. x
  • fat2finPaul
    fat2finPaul Posts: 21 Member
    65 lbs to lose which is about 4 1/2 stone I want to buy leathers for motorbike but not for the size I am now and once I've got them that'll be motivation to stay down as they ain't cheap n don't stretch
  • amandaiams
    amandaiams Posts: 73 Member
    I need to lose about 40 to 45 lbs. Ideally more, but right now I'm making small goals: for every ten lbs I'll treat myself. I'm ready to take control and will buy a food scare soon. Right now I'm just measuring out food and counting calories but I want to be more precise my weighing.

    I'd like to help any way I can and would appreciate any motivation!
  • juliebayes2210
    juliebayes2210 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the messages and adds, really helpful to hear others are on the same track