New and struggling with logging accurately

Hi, I have been using MFP for a month now and have lost 8lb through cutting of bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. As it's been nicer weather eating salad has made this easy.
My issue lies with the accuracy of items listed. I am in the UK and find it difficulty to find the foods I eat measured in grams, ml and litres as almost everything seems to be measured in 'cups'.
Also have just bought some almond milk and depending on which you choose from the drop down list for the same product the sodium levels can be 0.1 to 50.0 per 100ml.
What do you do and as I feel that I'm the only one struggling ...?


  • pgilly81
    pgilly81 Posts: 53 Member
    look at the label on your milk and choose the entry that matches what the packaging says. if none match then you can add the item to the database to use in the future.