Unintentionally losing weight very fast...is it water weight??

This might sound really stupid but its never happened to me before so id like some opinions. Im so glad im losing however i seem to be losing much faster than i intended and am worried its not normal (this is highly unusual for me even if ive been ill and not able to eat-never happened so fast like this in my life).

I have been logging consistently ,eating average 1200-1400 calories a day and actually doing less exercise than i usually do as its exam time. there is a day in my diary its says less than 1000 cals but i forgot to log dinner so its not a real number. Whats concerning me is i have lost 11lbs in 2 weeks when it doesnt feel like i have done anything near enough to do that. This weekend past i went out and drank a fair amount of alcohol+ pizza, i fully expected to have at least put on a pound of water weight ( my time of the month is also all over the show right now from the implanon so i expected a pound or so from that too). I stepped on the scale this morning and i have lost 2lbs in the space of a couple of days???? Every few days i have lost 2/3 lbs??

Im glad im losing but am just a bit worried its abnormal. I had anticipated battling to lose 1-2 lbs a week so im shocked. I would like to enjoy the fact ive lost weight but i wanted opinions on weather the pace of the weight loss is actually something to celebrate. I am having three meals a day and even allowing some snacking, ive also had take out. i have not went without food i like (such as chocolate lol). Can you lose 11lbs of water??- or am i just gobsmacked its actually working.

sorry this was long,

thank you :)


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Since you aren't exercising as much, I would attribute it to water weight. Muscles tend to hold more water when we exercise and when we slow down they shed part of it. 11 lbs seems high, but part of that would be fat loss.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I'm jealous :) !!! I think it's normal for big losses in the beginning especially if you have lots to lose. Your losses will probably slow down over time. If you feel good and eating well, I wouldn't worry about it. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    I think it's probably at least partly water, with some fat as well!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    are you chugging back water like you cannot get enough? I was like that waay back in August of last year... and started losing weight no matter how much I ate.. ahh it was great.. BUT then I had zero energy... tired all the time... irritable... BUT I had a follow up appointment with the doc in September so I just waited it out and drank and drank ... I was doing like...a 24 ounce bottle of water every 2 hours or so... THEN I did some looking on the internet... and went to see my doctor... suspicion confirmed.. I was type II diabetic... so NOW.. taking 2 different meds and the blood sugar is close to "normal"... normal for a diabetic that is...SO NOW.. on top of the pills and the close attention I pay to NOT eating anything with added sugar...I am working towards getting into the best shape of my life... which is a tough go given my Athletic background in High School, and physically demanding work I was engaged in for almost 20 years before I ended up sitting at a Desk for a living...

    anyway... talk to your doc...