in it to win it!

I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for ages now and always had good results.
Last year I gave up alcohol which lead to sugar cravings. I managed to stabilise my weight but never totally lost it. Then 8 weeks ago I gave up smoking and the same has happened.
In an ideal world I would like to lose 1st 8.5lbs To get to 9st.
Could really do with more friends on here for motivation and for swapping ideas.
I got a shock when I was called fat by a so called friend not long ago and I want to get healthy and slim for life!
Anyone got any ideas for a quick kick start?
Jenni x


  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    Hey Jenni - you are a similar start weight to what I was, and my goal was 9stone.

    Don't bother with quick start plans. Consistency is the key to successful weight loss. So start tracking with MFP and see if you can get some exercise in. You will soon start to see the weight come off.

    Remember, the slower and steadier you lose weight, the easier it is to keep it off. Which is why I don't believe in quick start diets or fad diets.

    I'll add you as a friend.