why am i backsliding?

hello friends

i'm really depressed because I have started binge eating again... and as a result am gaining back the weight I lost...

i started mfp last nov when I was 78 kilos... thanks to calorie counting and working out everyday, since then I have reduced 6 kilos. last month i stopped birth control (not planning to go back on it again) and found myself into some kind of reverse hormone hell. I am hungry all the time, i keep eating.. I am okay until 6pm and after that I just want to eat whatever is on the table... I keep eating until 12 am :(

Worse thing is I am shirking workouts and my face has started to feel puffy again. I am feeling real frustrated because I am now back at 74 kilos :(

I don't know how to fight this. Any tips?


P.S.: I also have hypothyroidism but it's been under control since last Nov.


  • iamsmara
    iamsmara Posts: 46 Member
  • Spheee
    Spheee Posts: 23 Member
    Are you sure your thyroid is under control? I don't have hypothyroid as far as I know, but I hear it is more complicated than most doctors are aware. http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com Are you aware that hypothyroid is almost always an autoimmune illness?

    I don't know exactly what to tell you, I know cravings can be tough. For me hot tea helps and ginger tea with honey is often a good compromise, sometimes it's not enough.

    I would suggest seeing a good naturopathic doctor or functional medicine certified MD. It is a good sign if they do tests, if not it suggests they're not looking deeply enough into the source of your condition. https://www.functionalmedicine.org
  • iamsmara
    iamsmara Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks Sphee... that website as given me startling info... now i am so confused... i have been on 25mcg eltraxin every day for the past 6 months... and i took a test last month and all my levels (t3, t4, tsh) are normal. i have always had low ferritin (last year it was 12) so I am on iron supplements also... perhaps I should test for iron+ferritin levels, and antibodies too, and go to a doctor soon.

    OTOH, this forum has given me a new boost to be firm with my goals... the monthly challenges are really helping me! I have pledged no to late night snacking and daily goals, which I hope will help me get back on the right track... thanks again for your suggestions :)
