Start again for the last time...

Hi All

I have used My Fitness Pal a few times but never really joined the message boards. I suppose I'm just writing here to mark the beginning of my new life (for the final time) to have something to look back on. I am motivated and ready to go! Currently 12st 13lbs and hope to end up 9st 7lbs eventually. This time I will be patient, it won't happen overnight, it'll take work and sacrifices but the feeling at the end is worth it. I nearly got there once and the sheer joy of actually enjoying clothes shopping made it all worthwhile. I need that back!

Good luck everyone :)


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Hi Remember you don't need to lose weight quickly. Take that pressure of yourself.
    Just keep your calories in a deficit over the week and it will happen.
    0.5lb loss a week adds up to almost a whopping 2st loss over a year! Good luck on your journey
  • caulker
    caulker Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm hoping mine is a last time start too. I've been on here loads over the years. Have succeeded at losing weight and looking fit and toned! But then I fell off the gym and clean eating hype. I'm newly single, got full control of my life, so I'm just taking it one day at a time xx
    Good luck
  • fitnatic130
    fitnatic130 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi im back starting over again too I was 9st10 in 2012 then life happened and I n took a break from exercise for a couple of weeks then never started again now I weigh 12st8 and disappointed in myself im ready to get back there. I have 4 boys youngest being 11 weeks its going to be a challenge . You can do it slow and steadywins the race

    Runarpundafield I never thought of it like tha before I wanted to lose 2 lb a week but now I realise I can lose 1lb a week and get to goal in less than a year I know some weeks at the beginning I will lose more than 1 and that will make it quicker thank you.
  • kimmyd201
    kimmyd201 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the replies girls. It certainly help to know others are in the same boat. Come on let's smash it and get the body we deserve :) I'm excited! It's gonna be fab and soooooo worth it!