Marcos & calories ?

what should mine be set at and my calorie intake to lose weight ? <3


  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    That's a loaded question!! It depends on many things, including your stats (age, height, current weight) and your goals, what you're ready to do to achieve them, your food preferences and current habits.

    I have good results with 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. I go for lean proteins and I try to have my fill of fruit carbs before I eat starchy carbs.

    For the calorie goal, I'm at 1550 calories per day, + or - 100. Playing around with my calories, I've established I don't lose at 1800 calories per day, so it's safe to say it's my maintenance. At 1300-1400 I get too hungry and binge, so it's not sustainable for me.