
Hello fellow ideal protein users!
I'm happy to be apart of this group. After a 35lb weight loss, it was recommended that I use this app to track my food since I was lacking on the journaling! So I've noticed a few things:
1. Don't get hung up on the calories counter! If you're on this plan you know phase 1 is the most rapid of all the phases for losing weight. This is a tool for journaling both food and moderate exercising. Phase 1 is very moderate exercising. If you're exercising to hard u need to add in an additional unrestricted food or have it modified by ur food coach who will give you the appropriate amount of lean protein and carb to add. When I was working out rigorously for my job, I had to add in 8 oz of protein and 1/2 a fruit like 1/2 a banana etc.
2. Read the blogs about enjoying food and moderate exercising. One of my favorites was the one on Cheat Days! Very eye opening! It explains why I've been in maintenance mode for 4 months!
3. Don't listen or even really "chew" on what other people say negatively about Ideal Weight Loss! If they haven't been on this plan then they won't understand. This is not Atkins, this not high protein. I don't have time and energy for the nay sayers! We are here for each other!
4. Positive words only for your fellow dieter/healthy goal reacher. If we can't say anything edifying and up lifting to our fellow brother or sister weight loss journeyers then don't say anything at all!
5. Journal, stay focused on the goal, and remember this is phase 1. It'll be over soon!!!