The New Guy

jjkoba81 Posts: 33 Member
Hello! Recently started using MFP, determined to get my health on track and lose some weight, I've been neglectful of my health for way too long and have let it snowballed out of control. I'm 33 living on the East Coast hoping to lose about 2 lbs a week, so hoping to find support, motivation, some good recipes and all that jazz


  • ambie694
    ambie694 Posts: 114 Member
    best of luck to you, mfp has helped me along the way this far, I hope you can find the same support you need here!!
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I started @ 257 and just broke 200 a few days ago. Add me if you would like some support and/or feel free to ask anything.
  • jjkoba81
    jjkoba81 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks Ambie! Wow Lag that is awesome!! How long did it take you to lose the 57 pounds?