Finally getting around to making a post

twohandedwonder Posts: 7 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys. I've been using MFP for a while now (around 4 months, though most actively and consistently for the last 2-3 weeks) and I've finally gotten around to make a post here since I'm starting to see some very mild success on my own.

I'm turning 22 at the end of the month, and at the moment I weigh right around 211-212lbs and have lost down from 220-225lbs in January. Most of my weight loss has happened pretty slowly, IMO. I got down to 215 by February, but I injured my leg and the small progress I had shattered so I got back up to 218-219. I started getting back into the swing of things again right around April 19, so I think I'm doing pretty well again and I have no intentions of messing my leg up again (I slammed it in a car door and bruised the bone pretty badly and was lucky I didn't do more than that... yeah, I'm an idiot).

My goal is to hit anywhere between 130-145lbs, and I feel like it's definitely possible. I've been working on strictly my diet for the past few weeks and eating healthier, so now I'm going to move back into exercise.

I'm not too sure on what exercises I'm going to do, but if all else fails I know I can go running/walking. I live in a really rural area, so it's not difficult to find paths to go on. My main issue is actually remembering to log things and to exercise. I've got a lot of stuff going on with school, work, and networking (for future career related things), so I don't always feel like I have the right amount of time left in my day for anything but passing out on my bed.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello to everyone else in the various stages of their weight loss journeys! If anyone wants to share advice or add me, please do! I'm always up for that.