New to this! Any support or tips will be appreciated.

b3astmod3asy Posts: 4 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all. I'm new to the myfitnesspal community. I inspire to lose 47 pounds.

My journey began a year and 4 months ago, when I had gone into the Emergency Room for signs of a heart attack. I was 28 years old and almost 200 pounds. For my 5'2 frame, this was too heavy. I knew I wasn't healthy because I ate whatever I wanted and my fitness level was crap. Food was my comfort, my resolve from boredom, and well, I ate all the time. I loved food, period. However, my emergency room visit made me realized that I really needed to make a change. I had to admit, it was a little embarrassing being 28 and seen for what I thought was a heart attack. Luckily, it wasn't. I had a panic attack instead resulted from chest pain due to strain from shoveling the snow that afternoon. Needless to say, this experience was what opened my eyes to become a healthier person.

My battle for food is still ever going. I've managed to lose 20 pounds and kept it off. I feel my fitness level is at a point where I can challenge myself more physically and modify my eating habits. I've learned substitution is key for me when it comes to food. The good thing about me is that I'm not a picky eater! So even bland food is good food.

The hard part? Implementation! Implementation! Implementation! What I mean by this is, we can read all we want, become experts on how to be healthy, eat right, exercise, stay fit,etc., but in the process we sway and fall off the wagon and it could be due to anything. I hope to find supporters/fitness buddies with common interest to help me and one another on this journey.

Should we journey together?

P.S. I really didn't mean to be sooooo long in my introduction. Ha! Add me!


  • paul281
    paul281 Posts: 2 Member
    So what foods are you battling. What can't you get ride of eating. It takes awhile to know what healthy foods taste the best because honestly most don't lol. What hobbies to you have. Interests?
  • b3astmod3asy
    b3astmod3asy Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Paul, I love my sweets and anything that has high carbs (rice, pastas, rice noodles, breads, etc). I noticed these are the hardest to stay away from though I've learned to substitute where I can (i.e. noodles for zucchini, rice for cauliflower). I'm hoping to bring my carb intake down to something more like 50g a day, following more of a keto diet.

    Ha! @ most healthy foods don't taste good. But I'm dying to make zucchini lasagna the keto way!

    Hobbies & Interest:
    I'm so excited about nice weather coming to WI! I want to do more outdoor jogging and hiking. I like to box(done in my home gym), take brisk walks, and go dancing. I've taken up on kayaking last year hence the reason for my excitement! I'm embodied by lakes. I also want to take some salsa classes then work my way up to bachata! Ah! All in all... I've been a good sport. I'd try anything once. At this rate, I should become a much healthier person ;)

    What are your hobbies and interests?

    Thanks for replying! ~Gzer