I started a weight loss challenge at my job on april 20. we are being weighed every Friday for one month. first week I lost 4lbs and second week I lost 5. During the weekend I had a couple cheat meals, although I was drinking only water, and I weighed myself again on Monday morning on a fasting state and realized that I gained 4lbs again. I do 15-20 mins cardio every morning 6 days a week and again another 30 mins cardio in the evening about 5 days a week along with light weight strength training. I am on a 1200 daily calorie diet, although sometimes the day gets so busy that I may be eating a little less. Drinking about 10 cups of water a day (8oz). Im burning about 600-700 calories a day. Any advice on how I can keep losing weight or corrections if I am doing something wrong?


  • SciranBG
    SciranBG Posts: 97 Member
    Don't worry too much about weight fluctuations, but check your weekly calories to see if your cheat meals are out of control.
    A few days before the end of the competition go super low carb and you will lose a lot of water weight. It will come back when you eat carbs again, but it might be the little bump you need to win!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    What is your height & weight?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited May 2015
    You couldn't possibly have gained 4 pounds of fat over the weekend unless those cheat meals were really huge, as in an extra 14000 calories. What you're experiencing is water retention possibly from the extra sugar and salt. Honestly, if you feel you need to have cheat meals during this competition you may want to look at just adding a few extra calories for each day and have small treats on a regular basis. Cheat meals are a dangerous game we play with ourselves and they really aren't worth it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You didn't gain 4 pounds. It's probably water retention, from high sodium foods over the weekend.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    olorena wrote: »
    I started a weight loss challenge at my job on april 20. we are being weighed every Friday for one month. first week I lost 4lbs and second week I lost 5. During the weekend I had a couple cheat meals, although I was drinking only water, and I weighed myself again on Monday morning on a fasting state and realized that I gained 4lbs again. I do 15-20 mins cardio every morning 6 days a week and again another 30 mins cardio in the evening about 5 days a week along with light weight strength training. I am on a 1200 daily calorie diet, although sometimes the day gets so busy that I may be eating a little less. Drinking about 10 cups of water a day (8oz). Im burning about 600-700 calories a day. Any advice on how I can keep losing weight or corrections if I am doing something wrong?

    It's impossible to offer any advice, as your diary is private. If you open your diary, then it's possible you can get some advice.
  • olorena
    olorena Posts: 5 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    What is your height & weight?
    I'm 5'2 currently 149, I weighed 145 last week Friday
  • olorena
    olorena Posts: 5 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    You couldn't possibly have gained 4 pounds of fat over the weekend unless those cheat meals were really huge, as in an extra 14000 calories. What you're experiencing is water retention possibly from the extra sugar and salt. Honestly, if you feel you need to have cheat meals during this competition you may want to look at just adding a few extra calories for each day and have small treats on a regular basis. Cheat meals are a dangerous game we play with ourselves and they really aren't worth it.

    I usually only have one cheat day and I don't go all out but this weekend I did have a few more. Thank you though! I honestly wasn't paying attention to my sodium and sugar intake
  • olorena
    olorena Posts: 5 Member
    SciranBG wrote: »
    Don't worry too much about weight fluctuations, but check your weekly calories to see if your cheat meals are out of control.
    A few days before the end of the competition go super low carb and you will lose a lot of water weight. It will come back when you eat carbs again, but it might be the little bump you need to win!

    Thank you! Will do!
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    Since you are in a competition, I don't think that I could offer much advice that would help you win. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, I suggest going slow and steady and relearning proper eating habits. If you need cheat meals then your calorie restrictions are too great and you need to increase your calories. 2lbs/wk is not a reasonable goal if you have 5 pounds left to lose. You would probably do much better at 1/2lb per week but that won't help you win the competition.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Probably not burning as much as you think you are with your exercise.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Different scales will weigh you differently. Was it the same scale?

    Also, sodium will cause water retention. Pretty much anything you get at a restaurant has loads of sodium. Just stay on track through the rest of the week and you should be fine.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    LOSING. The word is losing.
  • olorena
    olorena Posts: 5 Member
    Different scales will weigh you differently. Was it the same scale?

    Also, sodium will cause water retention. Pretty much anything you get at a restaurant has loads of sodium. Just stay on track through the rest of the week and you should be fine.

    yes it was, I work at a dr's office so im relying on the scale we have here at work.. but yes I did go out to eat with my hubby twice this weekend so I trust it was the soium. Thank you!