Losing 30-40 lbs in one summer (Now till August) Please tell me it's possible!

ciddoe Posts: 26 Member
Long story short:

I spent a LOT of time losing weight in 2013. My whole life was consumed by calorie counting, constant worry, and excessive exercise. Some complications caused me to drop to 82 lbs. It wasn't good.

You see I have lots of health problems aside from that related to my kidneys, and also the fact that I have OCD makes me resort to medication, which causes, you guessed it, WEIGHT GAIN.

After losing 90 lbs in 2013, I was happy. But now in 2015, I had some issues and gained to 150/152, depending on the day. I am so miserable. I am graduating college but studying abroad this late August. I am moving to a very *superficial* area of the country and want to look the part.

I know that sounds horrible but that is just the industry. Plus that's what I always looked like before and I want it back.

Is there any way for me to lose 30-40 lbs from May to August? 4 months? Could you do like 10 lbs a month?

I know about the whole 3500 calories per lb thing...but isn't that...you know... like eating 500 calories a day to reach my goal? Jesus Christ!

Please help me. I have been very suicidal thanks to the medication weight gain and the medicine itself. I was taken off of it but the personal disappointment in myself for being so fat won't fade. I'm only 5'2 so I look like a troll doll. Please help me.


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I think you need to re-evaluate your goal sorry :\. Quite aside from the fact that that is quite a tall ask, putting timeframes on weight loss is never a good idea. Set your goal here to be 1lb per week, eat the calories MFP sets from that. If you stick with it you will be well on your way come August. Anything more and you are risking your health.
  • penelopepittstopsmam
    penelopepittstopsmam Posts: 67 Member

    if i were you, id learn to like yourself as your target for the next few months. A slow steady weight loss with no time frames will help to make you reel more successful and therefore more likeable. Stop with the name calling too. That stuff sticks in your head and you will undermine yourself. You deserve to be happy at whatever weight you are or wherever you live.

    the very best to you.
  • curtissoph
    curtissoph Posts: 64 Member
    I hate to jump on the bandwagon because I know what you're feeling, but these people are right... it sounds like the problem isn't actually the weight itself but your self esteem. Treat the cause and the symptoms will sort themselves... you will find weight loss a lot easier when you feel happy about yourself and aren't trying to force it to happen as quickly as possible!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited May 2015
    Please help me. I have been very suicidal thanks to the medication weight gain and the medicine itself. I was taken off of it but the personal disappointment in myself for being so fat won't fade.
    I'm only 5'2 so I look like a troll doll. Please help me.

    If I read everything correctly you state that during your previous weight loss attempt you exercised and counted calories excessively, and you dropped to 82lbs with an ED.

    Objectively 82lbs, 5'2", BMI 15, was life threateningly low. I most sincerely hope that you have been working with professionals who are helping you deal with your ED.

    My extremely limited understanding of EDs is that they take more than a year or two to resolve. Since this happened in 2013, I am concerned that you may not yet be out of the woods, so to speak,

    I strongly suspect that a plan to rapidly lose weight on an artificial time-table is not "best practices" when it comes to a person with an ED.

    Frankly it is not "best practices" for permanent weight loss for ANYONE, period.

    I strongly urge you to discuss your plans with the ED professionals you're currently working with.

    If you're not working with someone at this time, you may want to urgently consider doing so, before you start restricting calories again.

    You have my absolutely best wishes in your quest to overcome your health problems!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Hi, well done for starting on your journey :)

    Just keep your calories below your burn rate and try to get a bit fitter. There is no need for the pressure of a target other than that. Your weight will come down and you will feel better.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Losing 10-15 lbs by August would be a healthier and more realistic goal to aim for. Set your goal with MFP to lose 1 lb a week and be patient.