Looking for people who have desk/office jobs?



  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have a job which is primarily office based, as does my husband (90% of the time). I don't have a driving commute that helps. My desk is either 52 min walk or 20 min bikeride from home. I have the opportunity to get changed at work (lockers and shower) which is a bonus
    But I also start my day with a 20 minute yoga/pilates based workout. I get up at 6.10, workout, get ready, have breakfast and leave the house by 7.30 on a normal day, the walk to work for 52 min.
    At work I try to get up and walk to other people I work with as much as possible and always use the stairs (I am on the third floor). I walk to town for my shopping and carry everything in my backpack.
    At work there are a number of people that go for a run or walk in their lunchbreak too.
    Other than that I do a yoga class once a week, I go for a long cycling trip in the weekend, and if it fits in with my schedule I will do an aquarobics class (on average once every two weeks). We also have a rowing machine and I fit in 15 - 30 minutes whenever I feel like it about twice a week.

    Now I do agree I am lucky to live within walking distance to work, it has helped to incorporate excersise within my day-today routine. My husband however is not so lucky. He has an hour commute to and from work. He parks his car at the far end of the parking lot so that he has to walk 10 min to his office, takes the stairs. He also goes for a run during his lunch break once a week and goes for a run after work twice a week (nights that I am away as well) He runs near work as it also means that he's late and misses pak hour traffic and therefore is less stressful driving back. In the weekend he goes for his long distance trainings - He is due to run his 10th half marathon, the second this year, next week.

    The thing is, a day only has 24 hours and if you want to fit in exersise it means that something has to give way. It does mean that we have had to make adjustments in our schedules. It means that we eat later or, once a week, not together. It means that we do not see much TV at all (does not bother me in the slightest), but we are fit and healthy and our lives have improved overall since we started this journey.
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    I get up at 08:00, shower, breakfast, get to work at 09:00. I'm usually able to leave at 17:00. I sit all day. After, that I go for a run or a strength work out and have dinner around 19:00. I now live a 2 min walk from my work, whilst before I used to bike 20 mins to get there. I definitely noticed a change not biking any more and needing to burn some extra cals!
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    I have a desk job, but fortunately my hours most of the time aren't bad - I usually get up at 6 am to be in at 8:00 am, and leave at 4:30 to get home by around 5:00 pm. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week; the other days I go for a 1-2 mile walk in the neighborhood.
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
    I would definitely recommend that you ask your bosses and/or try to set things up so you can work at home. You can use the commute time to exercise, or start/finish earlier and use the time at the end for that. You can also drink more water and avoid the office "candy bowls." My office has a workstation with a laptop that connects to a monitor and keyboard, but I can take out the laptop and bring it home when I need.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,647 Member
    I get an hour dinner break. I use 20 minutes to eat and the other 40 walking. I can usually get in 1.5 mi before I have to head back. I also get enjoyment out of changing the bottle on the water cooler, but I haven't taken to lifting in sets yet... New goal!
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