8 week challenge?! Who's in?!



  • colleendcoleman9
    colleendcoleman9 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd love to join too!
  • arian10daddy
    arian10daddy Posts: 2,758 Member
    Has it been just talks or has anyone started walking the talk?

    I have been working on keeping my daily calories under 1500 (preferably around 1200). Although I must say I lack in my daily target of proteins.

    I follow a cardio week with a little of free-body exercises. A day includes 20-25 minutes of cross trainer mode on elliptical trainer machine, 15x2 pushups, 10x2 burpies, 35x2 crunches, 15x2 side crunches, 15x2 squats... and a little time pass exercise here and there, and ending with 5 minutes stretching.
    That takes me well above 350 calories burnt in a 1 hour routine.

    As far as diet goes,
    * a 400ml glass full of room temperature water as soon as I wake up.
    * 10AM Breakfast: 2 indian plain parantha and 1 cup no sugar milk. (Starting from today, I'm gonna remove the parantha and add 50-75g Muesli) :wink:
    * 1PM lunch: 2 indian chapatti, 1 cup lentil soup, a handful quantity of salad (mostly onions or cucumber), followed by a cup of ginger/cardamom tea (water:milk = 1:1)
    * evening snacks: 2/3 eggs (throw away the yolk of 2 eggs), maybe a glass of lemon juice/soda)
    * 1 hour of gym session, Steam bath, water bath.
    * Dinner: 2 indian chapatti, 1 cup lentil soup, handful of salad (cucumber/onions/beetroot etc)
    * daily water consumption: 3+ litres
    * What else, maybe a little bit here and there, maybe a small cube of chocolate occasionally, or a slice of pizza once in 2-3 weeks etc. ( Hey, that much of a cheat is allowed!!) :smiley:

    That's usually monday to Friday.... Saturday and Sunday I'm a sloth!!
    I measure this diet and I see myself loosing 1 kg each week, and then the Saturday and Sunday come and put everything to waste! :disappointed:

  • colleendcoleman9
    colleendcoleman9 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok, I found the group and submitted a request to join!
  • Eilingfernan
    Eilingfernan Posts: 69 Member
    Sorry guys! forgot to update that I created a group please join the group 8 Week Challenge May 11th - July 5th if interested it's not too late!
  • charlottia28
    charlottia28 Posts: 23 Member
    Can i join i exercise 4 times a week. I am in physical therapy from a knee injury. Its been 2 months since my surgery and i want to lose the 30 pounds i gained. Oh and i try to keep my intake at 1250.
  • bas0128
    bas0128 Posts: 52 Member
    I wanna get in on this too!!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited May 2015
    I just turned 60 so where fitness is concerned, it's use it or lose it. For pounds, it's just lose it. I've been jogging regularly for months and try to keep my net calories around 1200-1300. Oh, and I live in the Arctic.

    Keeping fit is a struggle, so let's share it. Maybe somebody will find it useful to be able to think: "If that old lady can do a 5 k when it's 15 below freezing, I can get out too!"
  • eokuno
    eokuno Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to do this!!!
  • Solztice
    Solztice Posts: 4 Member
    Would love to join! I'm aiming to lose 15-20lbs before August! :)
  • Diondk
    Diondk Posts: 159 Member
    Jup i am already in started last sunday, do a run everyday of 30 minutes and i walk during my work atleast 30 minutes a day.
  • angelakpitch
    angelakpitch Posts: 1 Member
    How do you join the group 8 Week Challenge May 11th - July 5th, I would like to join I have 27 lbs to loose.
  • varduk
    varduk Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join you, is it too late???