Fairly new

looking for any helpful advice to get my weight down I have changed my food all around but it is hard to get the carbs to come down I am on am 1500 calorie diet and watch what I eat also go to the gym often I was 250 now I am at 230 any advice?


  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Why are you trying to cut carbs drastically? If you are just aiming to lose weight, macro ratios are kind of irrelevant. If you are cutting, eating adequate protein in a calorie deficit is your main focus to spare muscle as you lose weight. In either situation, you need some carbs to lift, or your performance in the gym is going to suffer. I guess I am not sure what your training goals are so it's hard to steer you in the right direction. Feel free to add or PM if you need some help.