woosh effect... on inches?

So I've lost about 18 lbs in the last 2months.however, in the last two weeks not one pound! I measured myself today, which is about 2 weeks since my last measurements. I've lost 2 inches from my hips, inch from each thigh, etc. That's crazy for me!

Has anyone else experienced a woosh for inches? Its a bit baffling haha


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Actually, no. Only in weight. That's awesome!
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yup! I have taken "before" and "during" photos of myself and while my legs and butt don't look very different, my face! Omgosh my face has lost so much especially my jaw bone area right under my ear. I realize that's not something you can measure, but you can definitely see it :)
  • ChiliPepperLifter
    ChiliPepperLifter Posts: 279 Member
    Gotta celebrate the NSV!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Gotta celebrate the NSV!

    Yeah, inches lost are the best. I just had a whoosh in weight this week but nothing as far as inches :(
  • ChiliPepperLifter
    ChiliPepperLifter Posts: 279 Member
    At least you know it will happen, the slosh for weight! CICO has made weight loss less stressful for me. I know if I stick to it, I will lose. Or I can predict gains too haha