Having difficulties seeing the future

emmoen Posts: 218 Member
I have been on MFP for about a month now and lost around 5 lbs... (167-161)Not bad but I just can't see my body at my goal size of 145... I have not been that weight for over 6 years now... And well 2 kids later... It just seems that my body will never recover. Especially since my husband ( who is probably in the best shape of his life..... And loves sweets) So no I have not been eating the most healthy... I slip a lot but I have been pretty constant for the past 3 week with going to the gym. I do not log my exercise because I don't want to be tempted on eating back the calories. I think the hardest is diet and my belly... Because I know if I don't eat a cleaner diet my belly will stay around which upsets me....then when I'm tired or upset I tend to eat which is horrible I know but I know it's out of habit. I know what I need to do and how to do it but for some reason my brain won't stay focused because I just can imagine my body at 140lbs


  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    Hey, it's tough sometimes to see the end goal! And don't be so hard on yourself, you have a busy life with two kids and a big man kid to look after ;)

    You have done so well so far to lose 5lbs in about a month. That's steady progress!!

    What helped me was breaking down my total weight that I wanted to lose into smaller goals. And when you hit those goals - reward yourself (but not with food). For example when you hit 8lb off, treat yourself to some nice bath salts. I found it far easier to focus on smaller goals.

    Just take it one day/week at a time and keep chipping away at that weight, and you will be nearer your goal weight before you know it!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    I know what you mean. I have quite a bit of weight to lose to get to my goal and it is hard thinking how long it will take and I wonder if it is possible. After I had my son, I was the lightest I had been in years and felt amazing. I'm around 20 pounds away from that weight and I keep holding onto that happy feeling that I had to motivate me.
  • saramatthews919
    saramatthews919 Posts: 161 Member
    Not sure how it works out in lbs but I've lost 3 stone before I joined MFP it's hard to see the end goal so I used to set myself little mile stones like aim for 4lbs in 2 weeks or loose 1 inch round the waist I still have 20lb to go I am a mum as well so can appreciate how hard it is but it will be worth it in the end don't be or hard on yourself
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    You are only 15 pounds away from your goal weight! That is so doable and you should be excited about your achievements! Our bodies are amazing machines and you could wind up looking better than ever before with the right eating and exercise plan. Do it for health and fitness. The ability to run with your children and husband. The ability to take amazing adventures together and not run out of breath! Laser in your focus and think of each step as one more to reach goal.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    5 pounds is wonderful!!! Sell the crystal ball and stop trying to see the future. Take each day on its own and do your best to make each one count.