Need support. New Type 1 Diabetic

I've come so far in my weight loss journey. Can you believe I lost a whopping 27 pounds? Yet I am still not satisfied with what I see in the mirror. In addition, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in October. Since then I have found it harder to eat healthier. I sometimes am forced to eat because of my blood sugar levels. I also started to develop a fear of my blood sugar getting low so now I feel as if I over eat. Although I have come so far in my weight loss journey, I feel like giving up sometimes. I need some help, advice, or support. Please :)


  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Hi there. Sounds like you've made amazing progress so far. My son was diagnosed Type 1 about 11 years ago, so I've seen a lot of the ups and downs. Happy to support in any way I can
  • lindsayk324
    lindsayk324 Posts: 54 Member
    hey there! I don't have T1D myself, but I'm actually studying it right now in graduate school! If you want some support, feel free to add me here on MFP :) I may not be able to empathize, but I will totally support you!
  • mishy_j
    mishy_j Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,
    I was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I'm fit and healthy and scared, like you, that this will hinder my ability to lose weight and eat healthy. I would love any tips you can give me.
  • markherron2609
    markherron2609 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. Tough gig. Although there are plenty of support. Carb count as well as calorie count and ensure you test your blood regularly. Your body will give signs of 'hypo' so pay close attention.