Back after 1year off and looking for Australian friends

LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
I was going great guns the last time I was logging here and fell down when I started logging my walking and eating my calories back. My weight loss stalled and I lost motivation. Now I'm back having gained all but 2 kilo's.

It would be great to have some friends from Australia so we are logging at the same time. My heads not quite in the game yet and I need some motivation.


  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
    No Australian's out there?
  • pinktan84
    pinktan84 Posts: 1 Member
    Me.. Pinktan84
  • sammiiijane_
    sammiiijane_ Posts: 2 Member
    I'm from NZ? Haha
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    I'm an expat ...
  • SonicMoosie
    SonicMoosie Posts: 9 Member
    I'm from Australia:)
  • silaspc
    silaspc Posts: 5 Member
    Hello - Fellow Australian person looking to lose (more than) a few kg. Been at it for about 6 weeks so far and already lost 9kg... Only 41 more to go! Haha! I'm planning to keep trying really hard until I've lost about 30kg, then I'll taper it down a bit, still aiming to lose weight, but at a slower pace.

    I'm doing it by limiting kj intake to 7800 per day (will adjust as the weight comes off) and trying to maximise protein intake and minimise carbohydrate intake (within reason) to about 30-40% of total kj. I'm not worried too much about fat; but I figure with 37kj per gram for fat vs. 17 kj per gram of protein I can minimise feeling hungry if I eat as little of it as possible. I'm not cutting anything in particular out of my diet; I figure if I love it enough I'll just get really irritated that I can't eat it, but I'm tracking and weighing everything and I've already started to notice that I am, without really trying, already making better food choices.

    Anyway, you're all welcome to follow my journey; I've made my food diary public and hope that I can be supportive to others going through the same things and lean on others if needed.