Post menopausal ladies unite!

Looking for support from others like me. Skinny kid and bride, then weight packed on and becoming harder to lose as the years pass by. Only want friends that actually post to me. I need to be accountable and know someone's watching.


  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    Add me. I'm here daily and will kick your but when needed!
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    Similar back story, but packed on the pounds after my second child. After my hysterectomy, 3 years ago, my metabolism changed drastically and I gained an additional 25 pounds. I've lost 26 pounds since January on mfp, with the help and support of people on the Biggest Loser. By the way, sign ups are on now, drop in a sign up to participate in this next season.
  • potterpj
    potterpj Posts: 11 Member
    nannersp61 wrote: »
    Similar back story, but packed on the pounds after my second child. After my hysterectomy, 3 years ago, my metabolism changed drastically and I gained an additional 25 pounds. I've lost 26 pounds since January on mfp, with the help and support of people on the Biggest Loser. By the way, sign ups are on now, drop in a sign up to participate in this next season.
    Nannersp61, I saw your post just in time and signed up for the biggest loser. Willing to give that a try! Since hysterectomy have found it impossible to lose weight. I'm hoping the extra exercise challenge of the biggest loser helps! Thanks for the tip...
    If anyone starts a group for post-menopausal women struggling to lose weight, count me in!

  • potterpj
    potterpj Posts: 11 Member
    Okay, so I did start a group. If anyone is interested, let me know. It's called the hyster-sisters.
  • dizzard_chick
    dizzard_chick Posts: 6 Member
    I had a radical hysterectomy 2 years ago due to multiple issues, it was my last resort to be pain free. But now my metabolism has taken a dump. I was always that girl that ate anything and couldn't gain weight to save my life. I have back issues, but that's no excuse to not exercise... let's face it, I just don't wanna! I never had to before, but I want to because I want to be around a long time for my kids. I need someone to kick me in the *kitten* and motivate me! Although, the current picture I keep on my phone in a bikini sure does help with motivation!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member