MFP not syncing with Fitbit

This is the first time this is happening to me. All day MFP and my Fitbit are not syncing. It appears that the last time it synced was at 5:38 am so it not giving me anything in my Fitbit calorie adjustment...any suggestions?


  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    Mine is not either. It hasn't been very inconsistent lately. Unfortunately, its gotten worse since the beginning of this year :(
  • nicfitnesszone
    nicfitnesszone Posts: 115 Member
    I have had the same chronic problem with mine. I disconnected it from my MFP out of frustration. I called fitbit this morning and they are sending a replacement this week.
  • reham723
    reham723 Posts: 2 Member
    I actually don't think its a Fitbit issue. It seems to be a MFP issue...IDK. I'm frustrated!!
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    (Copied this from a post I made in a different thread since it seems applicable here too.)

    MFP did make an announcement stating that step trackers may not sync correctly from 5/5 to 5/7, due to updates. My Fitbit's steps have been all wonky too. You may see yours showing too few steps, too many steps, or no steps at all. I would just wait a day or two to see if the kinks work themselves out. I know its annoying, but this is probably an issue on MFP's end. Maybe just manually log the amount of calories you would normally burn from your steppage at the end of the day? Good luck!
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member

    Good info. Was wondering why I was doubled up the other day and I couldn't get it to the actual number.

  • lizettezamora
    lizettezamora Posts: 1 Member
    It has to be a MFP issue. Before connecting the app to my apple watch yesterday the calorie adjustment was not working and now the adjustment says zero and I have taken about 4,000 steps this morning. Very Frustrating!
  • ChrisManch
    ChrisManch Posts: 46 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've just been for a walk with MapMyWalk.

    FitBit and MapMyWalk dashboard says I burnt 260 calories on my walk.
    MFP has logged this as 260 calories gained from walking, less 308 calories fitbit adjustment. Total: -48 calories!

    My MFP active level is set to "sedentary" so I have deleted the fitbit adjustment from MFP and now the figures are:
    1400 GOAL - 682 FOOD +260 EXERCISE = 978 to go! (between lunch and dinner)

    On an average day my activity level is more than MFP's "sedentary" so FitBit usually ads extra activity calories, but today it is totally wrong. Hope they get it fixed soon.
  • msmit002
    msmit002 Posts: 7 Member
    This has been an issue for the entire 18 months I've had my Force. I could go weeks without an issue then suddenly go a few days at a time with inconsistent syncing. On those days, i track my meals in MFP, but I use FitBit's assessment of how many calories I have left, based on that day's activity. Honestly, if FitBit's diet tracking was as easy and functional as MFP, I wouldn't bother with MFP at all. But until then, that is how I avoid frustration on days like today when things just aren't syncing. :-(
  • Capper20
    Capper20 Posts: 1 Member
    xxghost wrote: »
    (Copied this from a post I made in a different thread since it seems applicable here too.)

    MFP did make an announcement stating that step trackers may not sync correctly from 5/5 to 5/7, due to updates. My Fitbit's steps have been all wonky too. You may see yours showing too few steps, too many steps, or no steps at all. I would just wait a day or two to see if the kinks work themselves out. I know its annoying, but this is probably an issue on MFP's end. Maybe just manually log the amount of calories you would normally burn from your steppage at the end of the day? Good luck!

    Hoped that today would be back to normal but not yet..
  • rdlewis123
    rdlewis123 Posts: 106 Member
    I've had issues the last three days.
  • weavingtheweb
    weavingtheweb Posts: 135 Member
    Mine started working yesterday morning again, but from the link I provided earlier...


    May 8, 2015, 11:26am PST - We have resumed sending and receiving data from Fitbit. It has returned to normal for a large portion of our members, but there is still some backlog being worked through. We are keeping an eye on things as they continue to return to normal. Thanks for your patience!