Keto girl friends?

Hello all! I'm looking to find some friends who are also pursuing low-carb, ketogenic diets. I'm trying my best to log everything and add commentary to my daily entries. Feels weird to write something that will never be read LOL. I've done keto before (don't know why I ever stopped.. oh yeah, cake.) but am now hopping back on. Wanting to get rid of some body fat and trim down my spare tire. I'm a woman in my mid twenties, rarely have time to cook but love adding recipes to my pinterest, for the rare occasion I get to make them. I used to be a gym rat, which I need to get back into, but I feel like I should address my diet first. If you're anything like me, let's trade tips and tricks and help keep each other on the ball. :#


  • kleighsamboer33
    kleighsamboer33 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! I am also doing a keto diet. It has been working wonders so far! I don't keep track of my food and calories but I have been losing weight almost every day since I started. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • missladyfit
    missladyfit Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks! I can use all the support I can get LOL

    Also, in case anyone's interested in following me on my journey, I just started a blog as well to keep myself accountable for my progress or follow me on twitter @missladyfit :# OK enough self advertising. LOL
  • blinkinflip
    blinkinflip Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm nearly at the end of my first ever keto week. I'm using mfp to track calories and measure fat/protein/carbs. I haven't weighed myself yet because my weight varies quite a bit naturally and I tend to get down if I don't lose as much as I think I should, so I'm going to weigh after 2 weeks and then monthly. I can't believe how full I am on less bulk and calories than I'm used to! I'm also pinning recipes on pinterest and mainly walk or cycle for exercise. It would be great to follow how you're doing on the keto - I also need all the help I can get!
  • daisies4598
    daisies4598 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also starting keto, and would love to join in the support! I am 30, getting married in 3 mos, and want to lose 30 lbs- which will most likely not happen before the wedding obviously. But I am aiming for the stars!