Hypoactive thyroid anyone!?



  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    Ditto... I've got Hashimoto Hypothyroidism and the fat won't budge. With Synthroid adjustments over the last two years, TSH, T3 & T4 are finally where they should be (as of last week) but even with heavy lifting, cardio and diligent eating the past year, I'm still wearing the same size clothing..very frustrating..but I persevere and you will too...I do have improved (lower) blood pressure and a more toned body from the exercise....

    Strive for reducing body fat%, getting stronger and healthier on the inside and finding excellent advice and medical care. I see an endocrinologist tomorrow..waited 3 months to get in..hope she's decent or I'll have to start all over again looking for another doctor...

    also..I'm considering starting bio identical hormones..anyone else out there taking them?
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    A fellow hypothyroidism gal right here. I take synthroid as well. I believe it has helped me since I first started taking it, but it also took a long time for me two notice any benefits from it. I don't think it has affected my weight directly, but it helps with my mood/depression, and energy levels(Both of those effect my emotional eating & will to exercise.) I am on the lowest dose, but if you have any extreme hypothyroid disorder it may dramatically effect you. Add me if you'd like. It'd be nice to have someone who can relate to the same issues that pertain to me! :)
  • Reytor
    Reytor Posts: 26 Member
    I'm on Levothyroxine. I've noticed a small energy boost but it really hasn't helped me with my weight loss. Feel free to add me!
  • ynf80
    ynf80 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been on Levothyroxin for almost a year and my levels and my weight are all over the place. To be fair the meds have helped with energy levels, tolerance to the cold and most of all my moods but only since I have taken certain measures myself.

    After having done a fair bit of research I have stopped taking the oral contraceptive as that apparently affects the absorption of the hormone as well as not eating broccoli or taking the iron tablets prescribed to me by my GP! Felling a tad better but who knows.

    I am determined to make a go of the weight loss this time so feel free to add me as a friend.