First time posting, in need of fitness buddy

itsmethao Posts: 39 Member
Hi MFPers,

I'm a Vietnamese 33 F, mom of three children (ages 1,6,10). I'm re-starting my fitness goals again after 9 months of quitting Boot Camp (couldn't find the "right" gym afterwards and threw all exercise and conscious eating out the window). I've re-gained the 9 lbs I lost in Boot Camp and I'm tired of feeling sluggish, flabby and having back pains again! It's time for me to pump up my energy levels again and I did that this morning by exercising at my local park!

Any fitness buddies out there to help me with meal planning, exercise or motivation? If you're in the Anaheim area, even better! :)

CW: 170 lbs
GW: 130 lbs
Height: 5 ft 3 in