What are your thoughts on walking?



  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited May 2015
    Peloton73 wrote: »
    Eileen_S wrote: »
    I love walking long distance at a 13-14 MPH pace.

    Is that a typo?

    Definitely a typo. Thanks. I'd be flying at that pace, lol.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Eileen_S wrote: »
    I love walking long distance at a 13-14 MPH pace. I usually walk 3 to 5 miles on my weightlifting days and 8 miles on my days off from weightlifting and doing HIIT exercises.

    I can't correct this typo, so this post should say a 13-14 min/mile pace.
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    I love walking. I'm happiest walking outside, but living in Western Canada there is a good portion of the year when it's uncomfortable/dangerous to do so. So then I walk on my treadmill.

    One thing I found which totally changed my outlook on treadmill workouts was the interval app, lolo Beatburn Treadmill. You can set your fitness level, workout length, etc. and add in music from your library. Then it creates a unique workout for you each time, with accompanying music at the pace you need to be going.

    I absolutely love this app. I would never have considered walking over 4 mph on the treadmill, but these interval workouts have gotten me to a point where I can (in short intervals). And with your own music, it's so much more interesting and fun. I get off of the treadmill spent and sweaty but feeling so accomplished. It's really awesome.

    You can use the app when you walk outside too, but for that I prefer to just put on my music and go. I mostly walk downtown at lunch, so I have to stop and start for lights, etc. until I can get to a walking path anyway.