Any Moms Feel Guilty Exercising?



  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    Yes. I work full time and I already get up at 4:30 and come home at 8:30 and I do that three days a week. Exercise is usually the first thing to go when I get busy.
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    Nope. I get up at 5 so I can get my workout in at 5:30 before the kids are up. I find I need the me time and I am a nicer mom if I get that before having to wake them and help get them out the door. I thought I would feel guilty once I became a stay at home mom again, but I don't. Once the kids are at school my workout is done I can start on cleaning the house because my workout is done. It's a nice feeling.
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    The guilt was there in the beginning and still is sometimes but i used my children as an excuse to not exercise and unhappy mom means unhappy family its best to be as healthy as you can be and that means working out. I found out how to minimize the guilt QUALITY time not QUANTITY time. If you spend an hour at the park playing and interacting with the kids then go to the gym for an hour and a half you won't feel as guilty since you played and had a great time with the kids. Also workout when they are asleep or do a workout dvd WITH or AROUND them dont say you cant because when i did 30 day shred my 2 year old was hanging on my back almost the entire time you work around it
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    I get up at 4am, and I get woken up at LEAST once every night! I actually feel so much better during the day. On the weekends I sleep in a little and if my kids get up while I'm working out, they have learned where to find me. And alot of the time they like to join in!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm a dad of two, I don't feel guilty. Most of what I do, I do for them and my wife, to include keeping myself fit and healthy so I don't die on them and leave them alone...what's an hour or so a few days per week compared to not having daddy around forever?
  • GoalWeight165by2018
    GoalWeight165by2018 Posts: 48 Member
    I work FT and have three little ones. I go to the gym at 545 in the morning to do a workout, before anyone wakes up, but I even feel bad about that - the house needs cleaning! laundry needs doing!
    I feel terribly guilty, especially if I work out on the weekends. Those are valuable!!
    But, the truth is, I'm happier if I've worked out.
    The house looks like we were robbed, but I'm not crabby, so I figure it all evens out in the end.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    One of my main motivators for losing weight and becoming fitter is so that my daughter has a good example of what that looks like at home. The only way I can do those two things is to take some time away from her. My husband and I take "shifts" - he hangs out with her while I run and then I play with her while he does weights.