Couple of questions from a newbie

Good evening all :smile:
Only five days in using MFP which I think is great - just wish I'd found it sooner. Using this combined with a pre-prepared eating plan that I add too. So here's my question - seen lots of posts re macros which I think (could be wrong) are the carb/fat/protein ratios - could someone please tell me where I'd find this - somewhere on the food page?

Secondly managed to stay under my calorie count but definitely noticing I easily consume the carbs and sugar. Tonight after exceeding my carb goal (know what not to do now) I feel rather bloated - is that overdoing the carbs? And as someone not a vegetarian but prefer the veg options how can I up my protein?

Any help would be much appreciated. Feel like I've landed in a whole new world lol.


  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi! I'd recommend you read the stickies, especially the one posted above. Take your time reading through posts and I bet most of your questions be answered plus you'll get a feel for the topics. The support section is great for making new friends and well... Getting support lol
    Good luck on your journey. Oh also watch the video on measuring accurately, I'll try find it and post for you
  • GonnaCrackIt
    GonnaCrackIt Posts: 14 Member
    Thank-you both. I will revisit :smile:
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    No probs, I also meant to say that I get bloated with carbs but then I've got ibs. For protein, meat, fish and eggs are what spring to mind. Some people on here use protein powder that they add to smoothies. I wouldn't worry too much about your macros just now. Just get used to weighing and measuring everything in grams and eating at a deficit
  • GonnaCrackIt
    GonnaCrackIt Posts: 14 Member
    The video was an eye-opener indeed - wow - I think your spot on in just getting use to logging and staying on goal for now thank-you :smiley:
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm not the healthiest eater but I'm losing 2lb a week on 1600 calories and just found out this evening I've lost 2 inches off my waist and my hips! Yay! I spent a long time reading and reading through posts on here and soaking up the advice of the more knowledgeable posters
  • GonnaCrackIt
    GonnaCrackIt Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats thats great :smiley: - yep thats what I'm doing too lol
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    OH MY GOSH! That video! Seems like common sense would prevail but I do the same thing and wonder what in the world is wrong with me. My peanut butter is shaped like mountains, not flat - and I put down 190 calories. Eye opener here
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Lol still nottoolate I know right??!! I was amazed at how many extra calories I was having without realising
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    OH MY GOSH! That video! Seems like common sense would prevail but I do the same thing and wonder what in the world is wrong with me. My peanut butter is shaped like mountains, not flat - and I put down 190 calories. Eye opener here

    so sad that it has to be the beloved peanut butter............. :(

    i did have some yesterday though. It was orgasmic.

    PB2 is a decent substitute for toast and stuff. not the same as the real stuff but.... it works. LOL