I fractureed my tibia and fibia (spiral) probably around 5 years ago. I had a titaniunum rod placed in my leg and I still have swelling after all these years in my shin area. Its hard for me to be on my knees on a hard surrface since they placed the rod going through my knee. Everything has healed but the DR said to expect this. Anyway I have just started the 30 day shred yesterday and a willpower and grace exercise class 2 days ago and I feel the effects on my leg. Its hard to jump and I am wondering if this will get less irritating after I build up some endurance. Anyone familiar with this topic?


  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I don't know anything about your specific injury but I did 30 day shred and about 14 days into it I hurt my knee quite badly and I had to quit. I am also aware of a couple of other people who have had the same issue with knee injury from doing it.

    My best advice would be to speak to your Dr about doing the exercises and see what they say. I broke 2 toes a few years back and I get pain in that sometimes when I exercise so I can only imagine how painful it must be for you on your leg.

    Good luck.
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    Thank you. I think I am going to talk to my DR on next appointment. Its hard to believe this many years later I am still dealing with pain :( My leg will never be the same again!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Damn. I just googled spiral fracture and it hurt just to read. (yeah, Ima sissy)How did you get so lucky to "acquire" one?
  • I also had a spiral tib/fib fracture, fixed the same way. Doc said my leg would be better than ever. Now 7 years later, I also have chronic swelling in my leg and pain when jumping but my pain is in my ankle. I know sometimes the docs will take out the rod but after all these years of the bones growing around it, I cant stand the thought of that. I just do low impact cardio and weights so it isnt a problem.
  • Newnameishardtofind
    Newnameishardtofind Posts: 867 Member
    Broke fib had plate and 10 screws. Been two months and cant really exercise. What did you do to keep in shape after surgery?
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    I had this exact injury in my right leg (rollerblading) several years ago and it completely took me out for a year - I had the rods removed when they were no longer helping but I still have pain and swelling in my ankle and sometimes a bad limp when the muscles seize unexpectedly.
    I do have to say tho that one of my goals is to become a strong runner and as long as I'm jogging/running consistently I find I can go longer and longer without pain or needing to ice my leg/ankle so I think there's hope :) I try to stretch my leg and warm up my ankle like a dancer for a long time before I work out and this seems to do wonders for "prepping" my leg to take some punishment. Good luck, and let me know if you find any work-arounds for this type of issue!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have not had a spiral fracture, but I did have an extensive knee surgery that involved cutting into my tibia moving pieces around and screwing them back down. I have 3 screws in the front of my tibia below my knee. Even though it healed very well, I still can't kneel directly on a hard surface, and things like running and jumping cause an uncomfortable concussive effect with my screws. My solution is to wear a neoprene knee brace, which offers some padding in between my screws and the floor, and the compression dampens the concussion on my screws. I can work out really hard running, jumping rope, box jumps, weighted squat jumps and kneeling cable lifts without too much discomfort.
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    yes I have ankle problems too because they put screws there I think. And I still have some numbing in that area. My whole right leg is just kind of screwed. I fractured it but slipping down the stairs and I landed wrong :( Worst pain and recovery ever. Recovery actually seemed more painful and it took a long time to heal. Well not sure if it will ever heal. I cant really even think about running, i feel like its too much pressure on my leg. Its hard for me to do butt kicks but I still try. Maybe this is good rehibilitation for my leg too. Im not letting it stop me from exercising, but sometimes I have to modify it for it to feel comfortable
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    and i guess i didnt realize I could have the rods removed. I dont think I would elect that at this point. ouch!
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    ouch-so sorry, i know your pain. I actually didnt do anything to stay in shape because I was not exercising at that time. But I do remember the more you move it te faster you heal. Just take it real slow and dont over do it-best of luck to a speedy recovery

    edit: not sure why it didnt quote
    Broke fib had plate and 10 screws. Been two months and cant really exercise. What did you do to keep in shape after surgery?