my MFP background & HALP PLZ

I will try to explain this in the most succinct way possible, while still giving pertinent details...

I am 28, female, and weight about 15-20 pounds more than what I'm comfortable with. I'm otherwise healthy.

I have been on MFP for a few years. When I started, it was about losing a few pounds that I had gained. In the first couple years, I used it pretty intermittently- I would start logging when I started to see myself gain weight. Although it was difficult then, I was basically able to lose weight when I tried. Back then, "trying" meant doing yoga 4-5 times a week and counting calories during the week.

In the last year, I noticed a more drastic weight gain than I have in the past. I attribute this to 2 things:

-being lax about "trying"
-switching jobs (I now have a desk job whereas before my job was pretty active)

Once I settled into my new deskjob about 6 months ago (which I honestly love), I knew I had to make a more drastic change if I wanted to lose the weight I had gained. The first change I made was working out more and at a higher intensity.

I did the Jillian Michaels 30-day shred, and since then I've been doing those work outs, as well as her yoga inferno videos, mixed in with the good ole yoga that I've always done. I work out between 3 and 5 days a week for about 20-30 minutes. I usually stay within or below the calorie limits constructed by MFP and now FitBit (started using a fitbit about a month ago)

On the weekends, I do tend to indulge a bit more calorie-wise, however I am also more active ( I get between 8000-11000 steps in where as during the week I'm closer to 5000-6000)

I've been really working at this since the beginning of December, about 5 months.

The Results
-I am definitely stronger
-I am finally getting used to the habit of working out consistently
-I look a little fitter; have more muscle definition
-My endurance is much better

-I haven't lost any weight
-I actually gained about 5lbs since early December! ugh!
-I am not really happy with how I look

I feel like I've hit a plateau before I ever even lost any weight- which is frustrating!
My questions to you are:
Have you been through something similar? How did you handle it?
Should I stay the course or try a different routine?

I know I'm gaining muscle, but I do also want to reduce the amount of visible fat...

Any advice, guidance, or just straight up moral support would be helpful at this point!